(Published on Forbes.com)
As with all advanced technologies, the testing and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) has started as a bottom-up (smart people testing new technologies that will help them do their job) and top-down (smart executives recognizing game-changing potential) phenomenon. The same pattern held during the dawn of the internet 20 years ago.
After the Gen AI and ChatGPT tsunami that has taken so much of the marketing dialog in 2023, we thought it would be a good time to sort through the noise, assess where we are and set the stage for 2024. Where Are We and What Did We Achieve in 2023? Generative AI has established…
Many of our clients are interested in the impact that AI might have on their business. The biggest question is “What Can I Do with AI” and “Where Do I Start?” These needn’t be abstract questions—in fact, in our business, they’re a natural outgrowth of the growth acceleration work we do. In many ways, the…
Many nonprofit board directors we come into contact with come from the commercial world—they are often hard-charging leaders who have reached their station by delivering results. Yet, when they join a nonprofit board, there is sometimes a hesitation to push too hard for the kinds of growth that commercial businesses are used to pursuing. There’s often respect for…
We are privileged to serve several large #nonprofits , and they are rightly focused on expanding their missions to help more of the constituents they serve. Times were when boards and leadership could invest more in traditional marketing strategies and be reasonably assured of a predictable path to mission expansion. Those times, altered by a radically changing donor…
What is Growth Marketing Anyway?
Simply put, the machines can now create vs providing observation…and the interesting thing is that we are entering an era where the inputs can be pretty unstructured. McKinsey & Company does a good job laying out the basic use cases in the 2 links below:
Data Advances For 2023…
With all of the attention focused on #chatgpt and its potential to disrupt how brands deliver marketing, it’s worth a larger discussion about where we are in the journey and where we are really headed, as I think all of us have a good understanding of #AI’s ability to perform basic tasks, particularly the endless blog posting…